Thursday, June 10, 2010

Glue, Dirt & Tin Can's!

I mentioned in a previous post that our theme for this term in our homeschool group was earth & keeping that in mind I went digging for some crafts to incorporate the theme. I found a great site where they had recyclable crafts which included plants and soil as well. (Kid's just love a craft with dirt involved!) It's amazing what you can do with a old milk carton and a empty tin can ~ you can help save the earth and have lots of fun doing it!

They were basic ideas, easy to do and they look great sitting on my front veranda - smile

My handsome son with his tin can herb pot and recycled milk carton flower pot.

Even Lola enjoyed painting and putting stickers on her tin can. She is very proud of her plant and she just looks cute in Charlie's bike helmet - big grin!

Pernella with her beautiful creations

These are the links to the craft's:

tin can herb pot

Recycled Flower Pot

And I thought I would just end with a lovely photo of my big girl with her plants that she has brought with her pocket money. I think she has a green thumb like her Grandad.

Have a look at some other entries at We made it Friday Showcase hosted by -