Monday, September 22, 2008

Our volcano activity

What better way to finish off our volcano unit than to make a model volcano of our very own. We used a plastic container and put our volcano in the middle, along with dry leaves, rocks, grass and some of Pernella's dinosaurs strategically placed by Pernella herself... The kids were just happy making the model and didn't realize that we were going to make a mess... oops I mean lava!

After half filling the cup inside the volcano with vinegar the children added some red food colouring.

and then I told them to add a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda and they looked on in amazement as their volcano errupted.

The kids decided 'heh let's make the lava blue, then green,' etc, etc....
well why not....

We got this fun activity from
and you thought science was boring!~ big grin...


Sandy said...

Hi Helen, thanks for your recent visit to my blog. I see you are a home school mom. I am a former home school mom myself. It looks as if your volcano was a huge success, so fun! This brings back a lot of fond memories of my home school days. Happy learning!

Tracy said...

Well the children just seem to know when I go to your blog as they all turn up saying "Oh look", "That's cool" "Why don't we do that?" etc. They love to see the pictures of their friends. Cool Volcano by the way.