Monday, February 16, 2009

Take me to your leader...

I just have to laugh at the things Lola gets up too...


A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Yes beautiful and funny!

The Vintage Rose said...

Hi Helen, glad you came to visit me at The Vintage Rose. Bbb is cute and funny. To enter the competition for the rose apron and beauty products, you will need to go to:
thanks, D.

Anonymous said...

Helen? It's Kirsten from the States. I have a favor to ask... our computer recently creashed and I lost a bunch of our old emails. My oldest, Evin, is doing a Global Communications (stufying foreign lands and making connections with the people there) for the county fair and she needs some basic bio information and you, Rishi, and the kids (age, birthday, grade level, interests). Also, it would be great if Saharna and Josiah could each send her and email about what they've been doing recently. The project is due really soon (what a time for the computer to crash!). Email me at the usual address:

(remember the second character is the number 0, not the letter O).

I've just about got the stamps, coins, papers, etc. gathered for your kids, so expect a package from us soon!
