Í CAN DO', is Lola's catch cry. My two year old wants to help and have a go at everything. A very independent little toddler. Lola wants to be a part of what ever we do school wise and so I thought it would be a good idea to do up a activity/craft sheet of things just for her each month. I am going to choose a theme for each month and work out activities around this theme.
Tracy gave me my first theme for February and that is...
The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle ~
This book I had never read before and what a great story - I brought the board book from the
book depository (free postage world wide)and Lola and I read it every day and she just loves it.
So her Í Can Do' activities are -
. Make a caterpillar and butterfly out of felt pieces
. Colour printouts of caterpillars, butterflies, fruit & leaves
. Teaching colours (Print out coloured circles and stick together to make a caterpillar)
. Make a collage out of recycable items found in our craft box
. Teaching numbers 1 to 10 (put numbers on circles and make a caterpillar)
. Create a caterpillar made out of toilet/paper towel rolls
. Make a caterpillar out of fruit & cheese
. Do some leaf rubbings
. A collage of the lifecycle of a caterpillar
. Paint leaves and print with them on paper
. Finger painting – make a thumb and finger print caterpillar
. Make a caterpillar out of play doh
. Cut out pictures of different food from a magazine and make a poster
. Do up a days of the week caterpillar
. Go on a nature walk and see if we can find some butterflies and caterpillars
. Make butterfly prints with paint and glitter (paint one side of the paper, then fold and open)
. Paint handprint butterflies
. Coloured paper mosaic butterfly
. Make a caterpillar out of cupcakes
. Read book ‘What are you’ by Keith Faulkner (a lovely story book about baby animals/insects/reptiles and what they change into when they grow up)
DLTK printable crafts for children had some great caterpillar craft ideas and I got colouring pages from
www.coloring.ws and the other ideas came out of my head - big grin.

Roshana's paper roll caterpillar with button eyes

Roshana's collage caterpillar made of milk bottle tops, buttons, and cotton bud's