The start of my week... My desk is there somewhere... I like to think it is organised chaos but...? Maybe some filing might be in order!
A fun activity Pernella & Charlie tried this week was soap carving. Messy but fun... The first soap they carved up had to have something to do with our study on Ancient Rome and the next soap they had a free choice of what to do.
One of our favourite excursions is to our local Lifeline store. They have a book attic and this is where we go to hunt for more books for home. I am always amazed at what books people get rid of. We always seem to come home with a great collection. Here are a few of the books we got this week and all for a few dollars.
A quiet week this week - lots of school work done, still getting use to Ace. Worked out we would need to do about 3 pages of each subject to get the 9 paces completed per term. Then we need to work in our social studies, science, poetry, art & nature & handwriting. Me thinks I need to sit down and work out a schedule.
Our nature study was up close and personal this week with a tree snake that likes to visit our back verandah quite often. Also Pernella's tadpoles have legs now but I think we might have to move them before our friendly snake has them for a snack.
Made sure we took some time out this week to just have some fun together. I brought some Áir drying clay'(4 kg's from Overflow for only $9.99) and have decided that on Monday morning before we start our book work that the kids can have some creative time first. (I got this idea from my friend Di, another home school Mum - who says it works wonders in helping the children focus for the day).
Things I've learnt this week ~
Setting my timer for 15 minutes is a great motivater in doing my housework. Taking 5 minutes, drinking a coffee and watching the rain fall from my front verendah puts every thing into perspective. That garage sales are a fantastic place to pick up cheap resources for home schooling. That somedays I need to borrow Lola's mantra of Í Can Do'...
Quote of the Day
"I need regular moments in my life like that morning walk, times of refreshment and restoration that fill up the spiritual well in my heart that is too often left dry by the spirit-draining hustle and bustle of contemporary life. If I don't take care to keep it filled, I soon find I have no spiritual refreshment to give to those God has put into my life, especially my always-thirsty children. When I let my well run dry, I am no longer able to be a source of refreshing water to them, or to others. To say it more simply, I cannot keep giving out without taking in."
Sally Clarkson
I think as Mums and wives we very easily can find ourselves pysically spent and emotinally bankrupt.
We certainly need to find little givings in our daily life.
Great quote - I know it's so true - if I didn't have God to rely on for strength I don't know how I would get through each day.
With ACE I always did 3-4 pages a day & we seemed to get through the work well. I hope you enjoy it - I miss some of the subjects & keep reminding myself that I can change back if this new curriculum doesn't work as well.
I am very jealous of the great books you found. I'm collecting Anne books also, so if you find any extra grab them for me and I'll pay you back.
You are a very wise woman my dear and doing a great job with your houseful of honey's. Say hello from Mrs Pires.
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