I have read some great blogs which have wonderful activities you can do with a toddler at home and I have used several of their ideas...
But no-one tells you how difficult it can actually be keeping your toddler amused while you homeschool the older children - surely I am not the only one who has struggled with this?
After much searching and trying to find some answers and coming up with very little in the blog world - I have discovered a few things that actually keep our two year old entertained while we home learn...
Lola now has her Í can do activities' with our monthly theme and we have our special time just us together working on some of her activities in the morning. When I am doing book work with Pernella & Charlie, Lola now has her own book bag with books, colouring books, crayons that are her 'school books' that come out only when we are sitting around the table...
I brought a red plastic tub and filled it with lots of knick knacks... lids, beads, plastic lizards, spoons, empty containers etc, etc.. so she can dig around and play with whats inside - a huge success - (Hubby found his missing sunglasses in there on the weekend - big grin!) Puzzles have proven to be a big hit - those I have made and store brought one's.
I know juggling school work will get easier as Lola gets older and then we have to start all over again with Molly - big grin...
Lola loves helping with the dishes so I set her up with her teaset and washing up bowl... but it wasn't long before out come the teaset and in went the doll!
lots of fun...
I cannot even do any crafting with my kiddos....Let alone do "classes"!
You seem to have it all happening and successfully!
We have two girls who love washing up,And yep...Dolls always make it in for a wash.
It is tricky with a toddler. I know people ask me how I managed with the twins, but truthfully I think it was easier for me because there were two of them & they entertained each other. I've always tried to have colouring in/writing books for them available if they wish to use them, but more often they would rather be outside racing on their bikes.
Great post - I like your ideas
Hope you are enjoying your holidays
Renata :)
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