So I took a few photos of their completed lapbooks - Here's Josiah with his Ancient Rome lapbook (OK parent's bragging right's, both Charlie and Pernella got an A on this social studies project - there was a lot more involved than just doing the lapbook. The children also watched DVD's, read books, researched on the internet & read parts of the Bible about Ancient Rome also.)
This is Pernella's completed lapbook. (I couldn't find her to take a photo)
This lapbook was from Home School Share (an excellent site filled with free lapbooks that you can do)
The next lapbook the children did was on Mammals (Much more Pernella's style - we did this for science - it covered everything from mammal vocabulary, classifications, carnivores, insect eating etc, etc... I brought this from Hearts and Trees blog
This lapbook goes along nicely with the 101 documentaries on the animal world the two of them watch each month.
(Pictured is Charlie's lapbook on mammals)
My ten year old son also loves Ancient Rome and I know for sure it is the soldier's armour that draws him to this topic. We went to an Easter play at a church this year, it was very professional and welcoming people at the door were two Roman soldiers! The costumes were very authentic and they had chosen big guys to be the actors. Ezra was just in awe!
I know Ezra would love to do a lapbook on the Romans - I was thinking of making it in the shape of a shield - what do you think? As long as the shape is not too complicated!
Thanks for showing these - before Ann did her series on lapbooks I didn't even truely know what they were - they do sound like an excellent teaching source & I appreciate the link too!
Zai would love Ancient Rome - he loves reading books all about it!
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