They had to write up how water was used in every aspect of the home, what happens to the water and what we should do with the water. They drew up a diagram of our home in which they showed how water was used in each room, and also a graph was drawn to show how water was distributed throughout our home & the percentage used in each area.
We conducted our own experiments to see how much water was used during a cycle on the washing machine (46.5 litres was collected) all the grey water filled up lots of containers. Afterwards we went and emptied them on the palm trees. The children also collected water from a standard shower taken. 25 litres of water was collected from a 5 minute shower.
Graham who services our Taylex waste water treatment system in our garden gave the children information and also showed them what happens to the grey and black waste water in our home. They got to see how he checks the system and inside of the tank.
We also learnt what it meant to reduce, reuse and recycle and the children got to write down how they would be more aware of how they use water in the future and what they could do to reduce usage, reuse water and recycle waste water.
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