Saturday, December 27, 2008

Award Night 2008 ~ Our Two Scholars

Pernella & Charlie had their awards night from Groves Christian College recently. Groves is the distant education school which 'moniters' the childrens learning. We have a teacher who visits us a couple of times a year and is available year round to help or give advice on different matters. They also mark and check the work I send to them at the end of each term to make sure the children are on track with their learning.

OK so the next few photos are simply parents bragging rights - big grin....

Pernella received high achievement certificate for Science, Social Studies & English. A certificate for Christian character, effort & work ethic. A trophy for excellence in Mathematics.

Charlie also received a high achievement certificate for Science & Social Studies. A certificate for Christian character, effort & work ethic. A trophy for excellence in Mathematics.

Now on to grade two and grade four next year!

1 comment:

A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

They look as proud as punch,As you too must feel