Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Our Molly

Just a few photos of our Molly...

Here she is just over 3 months old - she just has the biggest brown eyes ever!

Molly is wearing the same outfit that all of the other children have worn. A winnie the pooh jumpsuit ~ smile
She is just over 4 months old here

Here's Molly at 5 months old - too cute!



A Bite of Country Cupcakes said...

Oh she looks like such a happy little girl!
Talk about brown eyed girl,she has such big beautiful eyes....You sure breed em cute!

Ann at eightacresofeden said...

Joli is adorable Helen and I'm sure that 3 month smile will be a treasured family photo. They grow up so quickly but doesn't having a little one in the house bring so much joy into our homes? I notice that it brings out a tenderness in all of my children even my 17 year old son!

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen,
Joli has the most delightful, HUGE brown eyes that I have ever seen! She is just adorable.

Have a wonderful weekend,
Love and blessings, Jillian ♥

Katie said...

What a sweet happy baby girl!

Valerie @ Inner Child Fun said...

Oh, I love her smile!! How CUTE!!!

Jamie said...

She is so adorable! I love her big eyes and big smile. So cute!!!

Amydeanne said...

oh doesn't she justlook like a doll!? She's adorable!

Jen said...

Jolie is so beautiful! (like your other children) She looks like such a happy baby. Thanks for visiting Creative and Curious Kids! We'd be happy to swap a postcard with you. Email me your address at if interested. That's a shame that you sent out all of those postcards and didn't get returns.

Take Care,

Renata said...

She is just adorable! What a beautiful smile she has!
Enjoy your precious daughter!